2xtreme Foundation offers training for mentors. Many of our mentors are graduates from our program who are willing to share their struggles and recovery with a younger boy who is struggling with either emotional or behavioral problems. Our mentors know how to make the same kind of connection that each of them has benefitted from – a connection that utilizes understanding, listening, and a lack of judgment. When he is seen and heard, a young man starts to look at himself differently. He stands a little taller and starts looking others in the eye because he knows he is valued and respected. He starts to think about his future and his choices, and makes plans and decisions that honor who he really is.
The goal of our mentoring program is to provide support for early to mid teen-age boys who have difficult family or school situations. We believe that intervention before there is a crisis may head off the crisis. If a teen is supported and mentored in believing he is important and has great things to offer, he has more confidence in handling challenging situations, and is less likely to ‘follow the crowd’ into a negative situation or to take part in risky behavior.